Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Online Education: A Viable Medium For Future Alaskan Marine Scientists?

As technology continues to improve in the educational system, more students are choosing to take courses and even entire programs online. However, there are some programs, such as marine biology, that are more hands-on. In such instances, an online program may not be a viable option.

The Rise in Online Graduate Degrees

The increase in accredited, online universities suggests a growing demand. The popularity of online graduate degrees has grown so much that even some of the most prestigious, traditional colleges have expanded educational services to meet that demand. According to The Chronicle of Higher Education, colleges have seen a 17 percent increase in online enrollment. For programs such as marine biology in coastal states like Alaska, students can take core courses online and transfer them into the degree.


With the growth of technology in the education field, online education is a sustainable model for students who are unable to be present in the physical classroom. As stated by
Morten Flate Paulsen, the movement toward online education is inevitable for colleges and universities in the 21st century.

For those that live in coastal areas with strong marine-based employment opportunities, online courses can be beneficial as they allow students to intern while still taking core online marine science classes. This will provide the scholar with valuable work experience and give them the basic knowledge in the marine sciences field.

Economic Impact

Online education makes attending college much more convenient and less expensive for many students. Online scholars will spend less money on gas commuting to school, will not have to pay to live on campus and can work more hours without the need to be in the classroom. As a result, the job market will be flooded with qualified candidates. As the demand for online education increases and more graduates enter the workplace, there will also be an increase in competition for limited jobs.

Online programs are increasing enrollment and thus increasing profits. Students who may otherwise not be able to attend college in Alaska can take classes online and even graduate without ever entering the classroom. This bodes well financially for the school and state. On the other hand, residents of Alaska can enroll in core online courses elsewhere and transfer that knowledge to Alaskan-based programs. Unfortunately some Alaskan collegiate programs, such as marine science, are not entirely obtainable online. According to the
University of Maine, marine biology requires laboratory and field experience. This does not coincide with e-learning which is distance-based.

Online Marine Science Programs

As identified by
Education-Portal.com, an online degree in marine science is rare. However, online courses can play a role in the pursuit of a marine science degree. Basic courses in biology and chemistry, which do not require laboratory or field work, can be taken online. Although no college in Alaska currently offers an online marine biology degree, by taking core e-learning classes through  Alaskan universities, out-of-state students will acquire the framework to transition into a marine biology program. Some degrees can be taken entirely online while others require a “hands-on” approach to learning. Either way, online education will continue to grow and expand in the future.

We would like to thank Brooke Folliot for showing an interest in the Coalition and writing this amazing blog for us. Brooke is an avid writer that strives to write about topics surrounding the rising emergence of online education and how it could effect the way that students of the future will learn, interact, and contribute to the world around them.  Brooke holds a graduate degree in business and is also currently considering further graduate work in the field of organizational behavior.

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