Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dillingham Sea Week!

Sea Week returned to Dillingham last week! This fun-filled week of marine activities was revived, May 9th-13th, by MAP agent, Izetta Chambers. Izetta invited kids K-5 to join her after school for an hour every day and participate in sea-themed activities. I joined her for the week to help show the kids what could be found in the water around them.

About 40 kids participated and each day was filled with interactive activities including a number of games and crafts. Crafts included making whale mobiles, a number of activity books, and even helping decorate a poster for the celebration of learning that took place on Wednesday. The kids also saw a presentation about sea birds, learned about the salmon life cycle, played a food web game, and got to play with a bunch of little critters. Microscopes were setup one day for the kids to look at plankton and we finished the week off with isopod races.

Sea week was a great success and will hopefully become an annual event. Thank you Izetta for getting the ball rolling on Sea Week again and for the people who volunteered their time to supervise. We would also like to extend a special thanks to Terry Fuller, Tim Sands, and Lilly Capell for leading activities.

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