Monday, March 7, 2011

SW ALaska Salmon Science Symposium

The Southwest Alaska Salmon Science Symposium: Understanding Habitat and the Science of Sustainability will be taking place in Anchorage on April 13th and 14th at the Egan Center. This symposium will feature Drs. Thomas Quinn and Daniel Schindler and will include an evening session (7-9pm) on the 13th and a full day of presentations (8am - noon) and panel discussion (1-5pm) on the 14th. There also will be an opening reception and presentation that evening at the Anchorage Museum at the Rasmuson Center for: "Sailing for Salmon: 125 Years of Commercial Fishing in Bristol Bay."
This symposium is a cooperative effort of the USFWS, ADF&G, The Nature Conservancy, and Alaska Sea Grant. It is free to all however please RSVP by April 1st. The contact person for this event is Katrina Mueller ( or 907-786-3637). More information is also available at

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