Thursday, March 8, 2012

2012 Tsunami Bowl

During the weekend of March 2nd teams from all over the state came together in Seward to compete in the 2012 Tsunami Bowl. A total of 20 teams participated this year and the competition was fierce. These High School teams conducted projects, wrote papers, gave presentations, and then competed in the quiz bowl section of the competition. This year the students also participated in a remote operated vehicle competition which was put together by the Cordova coach. Participants were able to design, build, test their ROV, and conducted tasks based on a simulated oil spill. It definitely was an added bonus for the students who really enjoyed the activity.
Picture thanks to Ben Tucker from SFOS.

The top teams, including the research project and quiz bowl, were Homer High School "Twilight Zone" in third place, Cordova High School "Nefarious Dawgsharks" in second, and Juneau-Douglas "Pelagic Magic" in first. Juneau-Douglas will travel to Baltimore, Maryland at the end of April to compete in the National competition.

Congrats to all the teams that participated! It definitely was a fun filled weekend for teams, coaches, parents, volunteers, and the public.