Monday, October 5, 2009

Welcome to the official Future Alaskans in Fisheries & Marine Science blog!
The sole intention of this blog is to highlight the various adventures (those related to fisheries and the marine sciences) going on in Alaska. The picture above illustrates this well -- during the month of August, the Northwestern Alaska Career and Technical Center supports a Field Biology course for high school students in the Bering Strait and Nome City School Districts. Under the guidance of Heidi Herter, UAF Marine Advisory Program agent in Nome, students learn some of the techniques that are employed by wildlife biologists to study plants, fish, and animals in the field. As students successfully complete their own research project (with a partner), they will receive credit through both the University of Alaska Fairbanks and BSSD (dual credit is unfortunately not available for Nome students). Complete immersion for five days at beautiful Salmon Lake camp (on the Seward Peninsula) is something you will never forget! Click here for pictures from previous years and specifically read more on last year's experience.

Future Alaskans in Fisheries & Marine Science is created by the Alaska Marine Science & Fisheries Career Coalition which is a network of schools, management agencies, tribal, non-profit, and fishing associations. This Coalition works together to support Alaskans -- particularly rural Alaskans and Alaska Natives -- who seek careers in fisheries and marine science.

This blog will be a cornucopia of content: snapshots of events going on throughout Alaska, interviews of experts in their respective fields, virtual job shadowing, and more. Ultimately, we hope to further the Coalition's mission of seeing more Alaska Native and rural Alaskans in these fields. There are many paid internships, job opportunities, and educational outlets available, and we hope to effectively bring them to your attention for your advantage! We will incorporate a variety of media -- texts, pictures, and video. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please e-mail without hesitation!